Turning the tide on unsustainable
online grocery handling, costs and environment impacts
Passive cold chain for online grocery (OG)
End-to-end passive cold chain solutions for OG
Optimise OG cost-to-serve profitability for home delivery and collection channels
Transform OG order picking, staging and handling processes
Transition to a sustainable ambient OG electric delivery fleet with FoodCap Grocery Handling solutions
FoodCap-GH (Grocery Handling)
FoodCap-GH is a multi-reuse thermal eco-system, enabling the transition from refrigerated grocery handling to an end-to-end Passive Cold Chain for last mile online grocery.
FoodCap-GH maintains temperature-safe frozen or chilled grocery quality from order picking through to staging prior to either delivery to home or collection by shoppers.
Transform Online Grocery
The disruption to everyday lives caused by COVID-19 has accelerated online grocery shopping, with home delivery and customer pick-up (curb-side collection / click & collect) becoming common lifestyle and convenient choices.
This rapid and unprecedented demand has introduced new opportunities and challenges for grocery online retailers, especially around:
Front-of-store order picking efficiency
Back-of-store staging complexity and inflexibility
Refrigeration capacity, space and performance constraints
Last mile delivery and collection cost-to-serve
Fleet transformation from diesel to EVs
The good news? Grocery online sales are growing rapidly. The bad news? Many retailers are burning cash in their grocery online sales, especially home delivery due to its high cost-to-serve.
The FoodCap team are your subject matter expert partner for online grocery. We help you create customised grocery handling eco-systems which are compatible with your existing retail store processes, enabling the transition to a OG passive cold chain.
Online Grocery Delivery
The environment and our impact on it are an increasingly important consideration in business decisions, with online grocery retailers and food delivery companies looking at a step change to electric delivery vehicles.
Electric delivery vehicles for online grocery are desirable for sustainability and public perception reasons. However, they can create constraints in capacity and distance once onboard refrigeration is fitted.
FoodCap-GH passive cooling is the best all-round solution for these challenges. It enables a transition from tri-temperature or dual-temperature to non-refrigerated grocery delivery.
High performance FoodCap-GH multi-reuse passive cooling totes and technologies can maintain frozen and chilled product temperature performance as well as creating efficiencies in both front-of-store order picking and back-of-store staging flexibility prior to delivery.
FoodCap-GH reusable thermal eco-systems maintain temperature-safe, frozen or chilled grocery quality during delivery to home.
FoodCap-GH can be configured for single or multi-customer storage:
Improving order picking speed and efficiency
Reducing handling and order reconsolidation during back-of-store staging
Improved delivery order accuracy along with reduced shopper claims or complaints due to receiving out of temperature and damaged grocery items
Online Grocery Collection
The online grocery collection channel has grown rapidly as consumers switched from in-store grocery shopping to online ordering.
BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store) is good news for supermarket groups, due to the high cost of last mile delivery. BOPIS saves consumers both time and money and allows innovative retailers to differentiate their customer value proposition.
The FoodCap team works with leading US and UK supermarket operators developing a range of FreshCap passive cold chain solutions to streamline and expand their grocery collection channel.
FoodCap-GH curb-side coolers can be custom designed with our customers:
To transfer customer orders from store to pickup area
To operate in a pooling exchange model (bring back empty / take away full)
To give away within a loyalty programme
To sell to customers
Professional Services
Grocery Online Process Realignment
The FoodCap team are experts in process effectiveness in the food manufacturing and food handling sectors.
Our people, skills and knowledge consistently deliver solutions that perform to the cost and sustainability demands of our clients.
FoodCap consultancy deliverables include:
Identifying opportunities to improve GOL efficiency
Optimise GOL space usage flexibility
Reduce GOL multiple product handling
Optimise GOL cost-to-serve in handling, delivery and collection
Grocery Online Operations
Those working in operations saw the huge growth in online grocery shopping and experienced the rapid operational changes which followed. Moving forward, reducing the GOL cost-to-serve and gaining market share is the mission.
There are challenges from sub-optimal order picking, inflexible back of store staging, strain of refrigeration resources to transitioning to environmentally friendly delivery fleets.
FoodCap-GH Passive Cold Chain System is your solution. We can help you switchover to electric vehicles, while also lowering the cost-to-serve with improved picking and staging efficiencies.
Ask us how FoodCap-GH can meet your passive GOL objectives.
Supermarket Seafood
Supermarket Sustainability
Environmental concerns continue to grow as consumers increasingly hold food retailers accountable for the entire supply chain, from food quality to safety and sustainability to environmental protection.
FoodCap-GH Passive Cold Chain systems are the answer. Our thermal solutions enable handling of perishable foodstuffs with minimal environmental impact.
You can eliminate plastic bags for segregating customer orders by using a multi-customer tote.
You can implement ambient delivery using more environmentally friendly electric delivery fleets, with reduced requirement for refrigeration across your online grocery network.
You can fully recycle our long-life passive cooling totes at the end of their use life. Our products are produced from a cradle-to-cradle material they can effectively remain in a continuous closed-loop system of production, reuse, reproduction and again, reuse through many product life cycles.
Ask us how FoodCap-GH can meet your sustainability goals.
Supermarket Seafood